If possible, and of course, it is and was, the HOT weather was HOTTER today. We have plans to visit with some of our RVing friends, Shirley and David, down at Lake Erie. The girls have never been there, so, they get to experience a new place, good stuff.
We had hoped to do some geo-caching along the way, found a cache in downtown Monroe Michigan, but, well, nature called upon one of us, and we had to forego the capture. Instead we found a Mickeydees and ate and stuff. Then, on to Sterling State Park where our friends were camped and where there are a number of caches and of course, swimming in Lake Erie.
We enjoyed our short visit with Shirley and David, as we always do, the girls said the water was not tooooooo cold. Then it was "see if we can find the caches" time.
First cache, FAIL, we could not get close enough, and we passed the suggested parking spot, so we abandoned the search and started looking for another. Personally I was not disappointed as one of the hints on this one was something about boulder climbing. GULP.
Second cache, FAIL, found one parking spot, but, were not sure it was close enough either or even if it was the correct place, and it was HOT, so, we decided to try another approach to this cache. It can be approached from several different start points. I put the GPS coordinates in the GPS unit we use in Jolly, I say to Man, just do what it says. So, it takes us south on I 75, 2 exits, about 2 miles. Then it takes us north (YES NORTH) on I 75, about 1 mile and then, without exiting the freeway, it announces we should go OFF ROAD. OKK, however, we were on top of a bridge when the GPS announced we should be going off road. Nope, not going off road from this point. This cache was also abandoned.
I will say this, I was getting a lot of practice finding caches while rolling and discovered a few new tricks to using the web site and maps and such on the tablet.
So, Man says, forget this, find a cache on the way home, Dundee sounds about right. OKKK Man, let's see what I can find.
Ta da! One right behind Cabellas. We know where that is, it is RIGHT on the way home. Over 1,400 others have found this cache, if they can, we can.
And, we did. The short walk in:
The hidden cache (it was behind that tree in the photo above):
And, inside, swag and fun stuff. We have not taken any swag from caches, nor left any, we are happy just to find the cache.
So, one successful find, and Man says, find another along the way home. OKKK, I am starting to get a bit brain dead tired from all this learning curve AND the heat and well, my Demon was starting to tank, but, I did manage to find another cache just a block off the route and Man found it. On the photo look for words, typed in red, "look left". Yep, they are that hard to see sometimes.
And, here it is:
Enough with the caching in this heat, bring on the pizza!!
This sounds like so much fun!
Is there a way to keep track of the caches you have found... or don't want to look for again as the case may be?
I'm checking out the website I think I want to try geocaching!
Yes, Geocaching.com
As a member, it keeps track of your finds for you, IF you log on and register them as you find them (I do immediately or you can do at the end of the day sort of thing.)
What a neat experience for the Grand twins!
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