Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Dreaded Holiday Letter, 2022 Style

Copyright 2022, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Well folks, this is gonna be short and sweet, 

2022 has been quiet, full of research and indoor and outdoor gardening for Carol, a little tinkering now and then for Man and of course family events and lots of rest for both of us.  In other words, still staying in Pandemic life style mode.  

In early February we had a good snowstorm, with a bit of ice first and dropping temps.  I captured this image of Man's boot print, my boot print, a deer foot print and tire prints.

A few days later I captured this snowy sunrise over the "swamp":

I had been gifted an amaryllis, my first ever and it was amazing.  It actually bloomed twice.  It grew all summer on the kitchen table, taking over the space.  In September I trimmed it back to the bulb, put in the garage and last week I brought it back in the house, now we see if it survived.  The flower color was stunning:

We continue to delight in the peace provided by our almost 5 acres and the woods, the wildlife and their antics. We currently watch the deer and I did spy a raccoon the other day (not happy about that, let me tell you).  Last winter we had a muskrat come up to the house through the deep snow, foraging.  That tail just creeps me out!  LOL. 

In early May the flowering crabs put on quite the show:

The fawns are more my style. The mothers of fawns have decided our lawn is a safe place to drop their young for the day, we stumble upon them lying quietly waiting for mom to return. This year, we found the fawns in the grass several times.  I also observed a mom coming back for her little one, chattering to it from about 20 yards, watching the young one stand, sniff, and then with all its youth, run to mom for a late afternoon meal. That half a minute remains imprinted in my memory. I can't remember what I had for breakfast, but, I can still see that little one running/leaping cross the lawn to mom.  Here is a close up of that little one I captured while mom was off feeding and resting:

Then came deck gardening time, three images, the first from the end of June:

The next two are from fall, October 10th and 19th.  They sure performed this year and the frost came late, I enjoyed every day:

Mid November I captured this colorful sunset from the front porch:

From Man and I:

May the holiday season bring you joy and peace, good eats and lots of family hugs.


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