Monday, March 10, 2014

The Ringling, Sarasota Florida, Circus and a Whole Lot More

Copyright 2014, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Encouraged by RVing friend, Jan, Man and I visited "The Ringling", The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Circus Museum, Ca'd'zan, and Bayfront Gardens, Sarasota, Florida.

I'll bring you parts of the visit in separate posts, first, some of the gardens.  The rose garden was just coming back from a winter's rest, and, we missed several sections due to,well, missing them, and the ankle issue.  However, what we saw was quite beautiful, such as the banyon trees, yes, there are a few rose bushes in the foreground:

I do not know the name of this striking tropical foliage in the foreground, stunningly beautiful, perfection. ( On edit:  Thanks to friend Fran, we now know this is Shell Ginger commonly called Variegated ginger.)

Banyon tree with snake plants surrounding it.  Up north, snake plants are house plants. Here they are native, gorgeous!

A lovely pond:

Growing in a flower bed at the house, I have no idea what this is, but, it sure is pretty!  (Fran was also able to identify this lovely as Reed Stem Orchids.)  Thank you Fran!

Sad to say, but, one of the gardens we missed had the family cemetery tucked in.  Rats!

We did tour the house and the circus museum and the miniature circus.  I'll show you soon.


FranE said...

The yellow/green striped fore ground plant is Variegated Ginger also called Shell Ginger. Whoot! found the flower and Orchid! 12 Reed Stem "Crucifix Orchid"- *SUNBURST*

Carol said...

Thanks Fran!!! You are good! :-)