January 17, 2012
The temperatures are moderating, the wicked wind has subsided, the bright Arizona sun is glaring beautifully, the skies are blue as blue can be.
We will have a RV show here for the next two days, a local dealer brings 6 brand new rigs out to the circle, opens them up for us to look at, spend time sitting in, really getting a look at, and no pressure at all, take your time. Here is one of the new rigs arriving for the "show".
The girls gathered center circle, and strung all those beautiful beads into lanyards. The colors were beautiful, the designs, likewise.
I was invited out to lunch with two special MOC gal friends, we had a great time doing some serious catching up, and good food too. Back at the MOC circle Man was looking over those rigs. No, we cannot afford one, but, we do have a couple we would consider if $$$$ was not a factor. Anyone want to contribute to the 'new rig fund'?? Nahhh, I didn't think so! LOL
Later in the afternoon, Man, J & D and I took about a 2 mile walk/hike. We found 2 geocaches and got some much needed exercise. Below, J on the left, Man on the right, using their GPS/geocache finding units. That is Tea, J & D's border collie getting a bit of exercise as well.
Back in the circle social hour started before we returned, I didn't partake of the goodies, but, I have been reassured the finger foods were yummy.
Right at dusk this ultralight aircraft flew over the circle a few times. I hope it was our aerial photographer! We should know in a day or so.
A nice campfire ended the day, many stories were told, including, I am sure, a few good lies here and there. LOL Much laughter, jokes, travel comparisons and bucket lists for future trips were shared.
After the several days of cold windy snarky weather, today was a delight. We all took advantage, and all enjoyed! There were a number of repairs and modifications made to units, as always. It was a great MOC rally day!
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