When Son # 1 was here last, I had him show me how to set up Windows 7 for a double monitor set up. Here is a photo of my messy desk, please ignore mess, thank you! LOL Jury is still out, I have not decided if I like or no like this set up. And, yes, I think I can make it work in Tana if I decide I like it after all! LOL
Yesterday Man and I went with the Lenawee County Family Researchers on a little field trip get away day. After Tuesday's fiasco with Yahoo email, the break was welcomed.
We drove over to Monroe County to visit their library, their historical society (and archives) and the River Raisin National Battlefield Park. We also managed to pack in a very nice lunch, it was an enjoyable relaxing day.
During the day there were a number of queries about the iPad. One was from one of the librarians. She looked incredulous, when she asked me, "Is that all you have with you to research with, no papers, no computer?"
What followed was a little show 'n tell of Families and Legacy Family Tree. An exchange of web sites followed.
Yesterday I did not intend on doing any research, even though I did do some. The camera capture of images still is quite remarkable, I have download a scanning app, although I did not use it. Maybe I should have, jury still out on that too.
Something I did play with was Evernote and GoogleMaps on the iPad. Our fearless leader had emailed us an schedule for the day, including addresses. Since this was the day after the little Yahoo disaster, I was a bit worried that I would not be able to access the email while away from home, so, I emailed it to Evernote. And, away we went. At some point, looking at the schedule, now residing happily in Evernote, I had a question. What would happen if I clicked on those addresses? Those addresses were, after all, highlighted, sure looked like a link to me.
TA DA, click on the highlighted address and GoogleMaps opened and took me right to the address.
Allrighty now! This has all kinds of possibilities.
I was able to reproduce the same results several times. See me smile!
Let me tell you all this techy stuff, does some surprising stuff. Back to the learning curve I go, two monitors, and more iPad tricks.
* Yep, standard disclaimers. Evernote, iPad, Windows7, GoogleMaps, Families, Legacy Family Tree, products I use, some with great success, others with mixed results, some still learning. None of these companies have asked me to mention them here at Reflections, so, nope, they did not pay me a penny to do so. I pay for those products that charge for use, full price, every time. Yep, I do like the free stuff too!
Ha! I have dual monitors at work and love them; not sure whether I could make it work at home, though. And I simply gotta make time to see what I can make my iPad do.
Now, I am feeling left out, technologically speaking. I don't have an iPad or any such convenience -- and my cell phone is as dumb as a stick. sounds like a bit of sniveling to me.
Am In understanding you correctly that your iPad has a camera? And a scanner? I hope not - or I might have to put one more thing on my Want List! :)
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