I thought it was rather, mmm, humorous. Now, we have to consider that this IS a news report, and I am not sure that in 1897 the reporting was all serious, or factual, and well, we do sell papers with a bit of controversy, right?? I mean, Dan, really, making love to 42 women in 1897? So, I decided to do just a bit of research, I did not want to spend a lot of time on it, but, ya, I was driven to go have a quick look. So, over to FamilySearch.org I went and I found:
"Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995"
groom's name: Daniel W. Whitman
groom's birth date:
groom's birthplace:
groom's age:
bride's name: Sophia Rich
bride's birth date:
bride's birthplace:
bride's age:
marriage date: 29 Nov 1897
marriage place: Lenawee, Michigan
groom's father's name: Daniel Whitman
groom's mother's name: Rebecca Butterfield
bride's father's name: Wm. Rich
bride's mother's name: Sarah
groom's race:
groom's marital status:
groom's previous wife's name:
bride's race:
bride's marital status:
bride's previous husband's name:
indexing project (batch) number: M01819-4
system origin: Michigan-ODM
source film number: 2342507
"Michigan, Marriages, 1868-1925"
groom's name: Daniel W. Whitman
groom's race:
groom's age: 68 years
groom's birth date: 1829
groom's birthplace: Pennsylvania
bride's name: Sophia Rich
bride's race:
bride's age: 19 years
bride's birth date: 1878
bride's birthplace: Michigan
marriage type: License
marriage date: 29 Nov 1897
marriage place: Lenawee, Michigan
groom's father: Daniel Whitman
groom's mother: Rebecca Butterfield
bride's father: Wm. Rich
bride's mother: Sarah
groom's marital status:
groom's previous wife:
bride's marital status:
bride's previous husband:
film number: 2342507
frame number:
digital folder number: 4207941
image number: 474
reference number: v 3 p 103 rn 396
(Note: screen captures of only the specific portion of the page that applies, the full page of records can be viewed here. I did overlap the captures a bit.)
![]() |
License returned not used |
Sophia, did you call off the wedding? Or is this a case where the marriage took place and the recording procedure went amuck?
I did not discover Daniel on the 1900 census, I did find a possible on the 1910, noting 1910 said he was single and he was not living in Lenawee County.
I discovered Daniel's fate, at SeekingMichigan, note it says he is a widower:
I did not discover Daniel on the 1900 census, I did find a possible on the 1910, noting 1910 said he was single and he was not living in Lenawee County.
I discovered Daniel's fate, at SeekingMichigan, note it says he is a widower:
Not being able to stop my research, I charged over to Find a Grave, and there is a very respectful memorial there with quite a bit of family information and a photo of his headstone.
I have done no further research on Sophia cause I have to get back to the formatting this book. My break is over.
I have done no further research on Sophia cause I have to get back to the formatting this book. My break is over.
Oh yeah. Just leave everyone hanging as to whatever Sophia really did. LOL
Fun distraction anyway :)
ROTFLOL Michelle! So far, I have not had time to search for her. So far, she is doing the typical female thingy in our research, disappearing. And, seeing that she is NOT on my data base, I thought I would leave ya all with something to go search for! ROTFLOL!
Not found on 1900 census, not found a second time in the same data bases as this "reported" marriage was found in. So far.
Search on - - -
Not found in public World Trees at Ancestry. Not on Social Security Death Index (Ancestry.com version). If she were born 1878 then not found on 1880, but an interesting entry on 1880, a Sophia born 1872 living in Tuscola County, Michigan with Andrew and Margaret. Note that I did also find a death certificate for that gal, in Michigan in 1907 in Grand Traverse County Michigan.
And, now, I turn it over to the rest of my readers.
Good luck!
Not only is this an amazing piece of research, but I'm TOTALLY hooked! But you HAVE to find out what happened to Sophia. What fun!
How interesting! I wonder what making love really meant back then? I remember reading that one time and it wasn't the same as now, but I can't remember exactly what it was.
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