Sunday, February 21, 2010

Splogger-Splatterer, Round Four

The other evening when I should have been trying to do something productive, quite by chance, errrr, accident, I found myself looking at 9 pages of results from Google Search on the total url of Reflections From the Fence.  Actually, I am not quite sure how it happened, I clicked on something and BAM, there I was in Google Search.  OKKKK, since I was there, I had a lookie see.

Yep, I found a bunch more sploggers.  So, without wasting another moment, let's splatter them, remember, no links, you go there, you pad their wallet$. (I found this one last week, I have no idea why they have Reflections there, and I may be wrong, but I think they are sploggers too)

Curiosity got me, and I decided to have a look at a few other blog names and see what popped up.  Greta over at Greta's Genealogy Bog has told me she knows she has been a victim of sploggers for some time,  She is right, it did not take me long to find that had her.

Then I went to cousin Karen's name, Genealogy Frame of Mind.  Did not take long at all to find that the 123people and jokester-store people and another gang currently going by the name of have Karen listed.

Not willing to spend any more time on the searches, I sure came away with the feeling that, if you blog, you ARE being splogged.

One thing I discovered was that I picked up different names of sploggers dependent upon how I searched.  I have searched with my full URL, and I have searched thusly: reflectionsfromthefence. One time I searched with the quotes like this:  "Reflections From the Fence" and a few other ways as well.  I stumbled into this realization during my study of the creeps on the Google Search page, but again, sorta by accident. 

Down at the very bottom of the search page I found a link titled, "See all my SearchWiki notes".  You know my curious mind had to know, so, yes, I clicked on it, and it took me to this cool page which showed all the comments I have been leaving trying to SHAME these idiots.  (OKKK, we all know that they are not going to be shamed, but, if  I keep them from getting ONE click to their sites I'll be happy.)  Anyway, this page is called "My SearchWiki notes" and I was able to save it as a favorite.  This page showed all the different ways I had been searching as well as the comments I left each time.

At the end of the evening, I am not sure I understand all of what I found here.  It has become more and more evident as I tread along, that there are a lot of people trying to make $$$$  off us bloggers.  

I spent an evening when I first was learning about sploggers in an online discussion with some live support dude at one of the companies that host one of the sploggers that was splogging me.  Oh, yea, they were polite, and encouraging during the live chat.  Then, I got the email with directions on how to proceed with my complaint.  They set it up in such a way that no reasonable complaintant would continue with said complaint.  BLAH.  Now, in hind sight, after finding out how many sploggers are out there, I have to wonder, did that real nice live support dude sit on his end of the conversation laughing so hard it was hard to stay in his seat?? Probably.


Copyright 2010, CABS for Reflections From the Fence.


Greta Koehl said...

Oh, so I'm on Costa Rica weather net now? That's a new one. It seems that there are now so many ancestor names that I can search on now that bring up splogger sites. Why can't they just earn an honest living?

Linda Hughes Hiser said...

Since I am home and laid up for awhile, I will make an effort to see if I have any sploggers.

Jo said...

Thanks for the useful post, Carol. I'm new to blogging and had never heard of sploggers. Jo

Herstoryan said...

How interesting. I was wondering what those websites were. I have never heard of sploggers. Thank you for the heads up! [AND thank you for your very kind comment on my blog earlier. You are SO sweet!]

Terri said...

Well, I learned something new tonight! I've never heard of this before. Thanks!